School Policies


Choose appropriate clothing including:  clothes the child can manage, undergarments that are convenient for toilet time.  Shoes should be sturdy and comfortable for jumping, skipping, etc.  Any athletic sneaker is acceptable.  No sandals are allowed.  Children are to wear Cedars Preparatory Academy shirts sold in the school office.  Pants, shorts, and skirts can be any solid color.  All students must have a full set of extra clothing in a Ziplock bag kept in the child’s backpack. 

We ask parents to take responsibility for labeling all items brought to Cedars Preparatory Academy.  The school is not responsible for lost or damaged personal items.  Children may not bring toys, pets, money, candy or gum to school.  It is a good idea to check your child’s pockets before you leave home.  To minimize distraction the following restrictions apply on all school days:

No make up for girls except clear lip gloss.  
No excessive jewelry or hair ornaments. 
Leave toys at home or in the car. 
No weapons, real or pretend, or weapon paraphernalia may be brought to school—this includes guns, ammunition, knives, letter openers, exploding devices or materials related to these. 
No electronic games, recording devices, cell phones or radios may be brought. 
Special items brought at the teachers’ request must be in a labeled bag. 
The Front Desk maintains a lost and found basket for items left behind. Please take your child’s backpack home each program day. 

Except in cases of severe weather, outdoor play is planned each day.  Cold weather does not cause illness.  Fresh air and opportunities for large muscles to develop are an ideal combination.  Please dress your children appropriately for inside and outside activities. The building is maintained at a comfortable temperature year round.  You may include a jacket/sweater/coat in your tote bag for outside play.  Multiple layers of clothing are unnecessary and restrict a child’s movement.  Children will not be kept in from outside play without a written directive from a physician. 

Cedars Preparatory Academy Preschool Program 

All families will be required to provide a rest mat for their child/children.  This quiet time follows lunch.  Our licensing agency requires rest time following a very active morning. As they wake up, they may participate in quiet activities until the other children wake up. 

Cedars Preparatory Academy Preschool Program

Please send your child dressed for an active day.  Closed toe, rubber-soled shoes are required for safety's sake. Rain boots, open-toe sandals, “crocs” and cowboy boots are not permitted. Please include an extra complete set of clothes (top, bottom, underclothes, socks, etc.) to be kept in your child’s backpack in case of any accidents or spills that may occur during the  school day.  Label all items that come to school with your child.  During colder weather, please send a heavy coat for outside activities as outdoor play is an important part of the day and will occur each day except in cases of severe weather.  Preschool children will also need an oversized shirt for art in addition to a small pillow and light weight blanket for naptime.  Please remember to label each item.  Bedding/Nap mat will be sent home at the end of each week to be washed. 
Morning Snack
Parents will need to provide a mid-morning snack and juice for their child.  Check with your teacher’s schedule for specific snack times. 
Children are to bring their lunch to school each day.  Packed lunches must be healthy and well-balanced with foods representing each of the necessary food groups (protein/meat, dairy, fruit, vegetable and grains).  The Cedars Preparatory Academy is a PEANUT-FREE facility. *Therefore, children absolutely may not bring any foods made with or containing peanuts, peanut butter, peanut flour, etc.*  We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe facility for those with severe peanut allergies.  Children will not be given the opportunity to heat up any food items, so please pack meals that can be eaten at room temperature or use a hot-pack or cold-pack with an insulated lunch box to maintain desired temperature. Include a nutritious drink such as milk or 100% juice—no soda or Kool-Aid.  “Lunchables” and fast food meals will need to be supplemented with vegetables and fruit to meet required guidelines.  Please include napkins or paper towels and any necessary utensils.  Remember to label all reusable containers.  Children will be encouraged but not forced to eat. 
We welcome birthday celebrations at lunch.  Please consult with your child’s teacher to confirm snack times.  You may bring a nutritious treat, cookie, muffins or cupcakes. Please do not bring cakes, drinks, candles, pizza, party favors, presents, etc.  Also due to allergy concerns, DO NOT bring any food items with peanuts or peanut butter to school.  Parents must sign in at the Front Desk any time they enter student areas. Teachers are happy to pass out party invitations to parties outside of the program days provided all children in the class receive an invitation. 

When your child becomes ill at school, we will separate him/her from the other children and hold him/her in the office area.  We will call you to come and pick up your child immediately as we do not have accommodations or staff to care for sick children.  Please help us protect all of the children and staff at the Academy.  DO NOT BRING CHILDREN WHO ARE ILL TO SCHOOL.  Children must be free of fever over 100.4 degrees without medication and must have not vomited for 24 hours before returning to school after an illness.  Please refer to these symptoms: 

Contagious Illness 
Children who display the following symptoms may not remain at school or be brought to school: 
 Fever 100.4 degrees or higher during the previous 24 hour period 
 Diagnosis of a contagious disease 
 Profuse colored nasal discharge 
 Reddened or discharging eyes 
 Diarrhea or vomiting 
 Constant coughing, sneezing or wheezing 
 Rash, sore throat, headache or abdominal pain. 
Parents are required to notify Cedars Preparatory Academy immediately if the child is diagnosed with or exposed to a contagious or infectious disease.  In turn, we will notify you if your child is exposed to a communicable or infectious disease while at CPA.  

Your child’s safety is among our top priorities.  Children are active at CPA, and unavoidable accidents are bound to occur.  In case of an injury on campus or under CPA supervision, CPA acts in place of the parent.  All teachers and staff are certified in CPR and First Aid procedures.  Parents will be called if medical attention is required or if a mark is left.  We will use limited First Aid procedures.  As we deem appropriate and necessary, we will seek immediate emergency medical attention.  Parents will be notified immediately in such cases.  A written report will follow.  Accidents not requiring attention will be reported to you on an accident report form. This report will be sent home in the child’s folder/backpack at the end of the  day  with  an  additional  copy  kept  in  the  child’s  school  file. Parents are financially responsible for medical service rendered by outside medical agencies for their injured child.